Welcome to the Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends official website!
Well, we call it official, but it is also kind of personal. As the designer of the game, I would like to give more "behind the scenes" info and share some thoughts about the game with those who are interested. I hope you will find it interesting.
[2015-01-15] Link to online playing at Board Game Arena added to Links section.
[2014-11-02] Rules for Rare Situations article added to the Designer's Blog section.
[2014-09-24] More details about the new improved edition of Tash-Kalar revealed!
[2014-09-24] First 6 Highland beings were added to the Beings of Tash-Kalar section.
[2014-09-09] CGE announced a new improved edition of Tash-Kalar under its own distribution.
[2014-09-09] Everfrost expansion was announced by CGE.
[2014-09-09] Tash-Kalar is getting more languages - Polish and Spanish rules added to Downloads.
[2014-09-08] Last 6 Empire beings and the first 4 Legends were added to the Beings of Tash-Kalar.
[2014-07-28] Paul Grogan's tutorial video added to Links.
[2013-12-23] Variants section added.
[2013-12-05] Rules and guide books in many languages added to Links.
[2013-12-04] Reviews page added, with first four articles.
[2013-12-04] Another 6 Empire beings were added to the Beings of Tash-Kalar section.
[2013-11-14] Why I Created This Game article added to the Designer's Blog section.
[2013-11-14] Tash-Kalar teaser video added to Links.
[2013-11-14] 6 Empire beings were added to the Beings of Tash-Kalar section.
[2013-11-14] History of the Decks added to the Beings of Tash-Kalar section.
[2013-11-14] Tash-Kalar site launched!
